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President Meloni’s statement on anniversary of the Bologna train station bombing

2 Agosto 2023

On 2 August 1980, terrorism dealt Italy and its people one of its most ferocious blows. 43 years have gone by, but the violence of that terrible explosion, which devastated Bologna central station, killing 85 people and injuring more than two hundred others, still forcefully resonates in the nation’s heart and in its conscience.

On the anniversary of the bombing, my first thoughts are with the relatives of the victims. Our heartfelt sympathy goes to them, as indeed do our most sincere thanks for the tenacity and determination they have put into the search for the truth, also through the associations that represent them, in constant contact with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

Getting to the truth about the terrorist attacks that marred Italy’s post-war period also means making the widest range possible of documents and information available to historical research.
Since entering office, this Government has sped up the transfer of declassified documents to the Central State Archive and has made them easier to access, completing the declassification process begun by previous governments. 

[Courtesy translation]