Committees, Commissions and Commissioners
- Italian Committee for Bioethics (website)
- Italian Committee for Biosafety, Biotechnology and Sciences of Life (website)
- Committee for the coordination of Shoah commemorations (website IT)
- Committee to promote Puccini celebrations
- Awards committee for former ‘IMI’
- Committee to coordinate commemorations of the day of remembrance [for the victims of the Foibe massacres and the Istria-Rijeka-Dalmatia exodus]
- Declassification advisory committee
- National Committee for commemoration of the 800th anniversary of the death of Saint Francis of Assisi
- Commission for access to administrative documents (website IT)
- Commission for intercountry adoption (website)
- Commission for the restoration of Block 21 in the Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum and for the reorganisation of the Italian section
- Interministerial Commission to coordinate the International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund (IOPC)
- Commission to ensure the quality of statistical information (website IT)
- IRPEF ‘Otto per mille’ directly managed by the State: Technical evaluation commissions and Technical monitoring commissions (website IT)
Special Commissioners
Special Commissioners pursuant to Art. 11 of Italian Law no. 400 of 23 August 1998
- Special government commissioner appointed to chair the steering committee for the SEZ in the Abruzzo Region (decree IT)
- Special government commissioner for the coordination of anti-fraud and anti-usury initiatives (website IT)
- Special government commissioner for missing persons (website IT)
- Special government commissioner for the work to restore and enhance the former Bourbon prison on the island of Santo Stefano in Ventotene (website IT)
- Special government commissioner appointed to chair the steering committee for the interregional Ionian Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in the regions of Puglia and Basilicata (website IT)
- Special government commissioner for reconstruction work in the Municipalities in the Regions of Abruzzo, Lazio, Marche and Umbria that were affected by the earthquake of 24 August 2016 (website IT)
- Special government commissioner for the coordination of activities related to Italy’s participation, as country of honour, in the Frankfurt Book Fair 2024 (decree IT)
Special Commissioners pursuant to sector-specific regulations
Government representation at territorial level
- Government representative office for the Sardinia Region (website IT)
- State Commissioner for the Sicily Region (website IT)
- Territorial Government Office of Trieste (website IT)
- Government commissioner’s office for the Province of Trento (website IT)
- Government commissioner’s office for the Province of Bolzano (website IT)
- Coordination Commission for Valle d’Aosta (website IT)