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NRRP steering committee: meetings held at Palazzo Chigi

26 September 2023

Meetings with organisations representing economic and social partners were held at Palazzo Chigi today, divided into five sector-specific sessions: the first meeting was with Confindustria, Ance, Confedilizia, Abi and Ania; the second with Federterziario, Confetra, Confservizi, Confprofessioni and Assoprofessioni; the third with Confapi, Confimi, Confcommercio, Confesercenti, Federdistribuzione and Conflavoro; the fourth with Alleanza Cooperative, UNicoop, Confartigianato, Cna, Casartigiani, UE.Coop, Forum Nazionale del Terzo Settore, Consiglio Nazionale Giovani; and the fifth and final meeting of the day was with CGIL, CISL, UIL e UGL, CONFSAL, CISAL and USB.

Discussions focused on the progress of implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), with updates on the payment of the third instalment, equal to EUR 18.5 billion, which should arrive in the coming days; the payment request for the fourth instalment, equal to EUR 16.5 billion; and an initial analysis of the milestones and targets to be met for the fifth instalment, also based on the proposed revision of the Plan, including the addition of the new REPowerEU chapter.

Aim: to share the Plan’s overall implementation status and the Government’s road map in view of the next deadlines, and to evaluate the proposals by the organisations in attendance.
Minister for European Affairs, Southern Italy, Cohesion Policy and the NRRP Raffaele Fitto expressed great satisfaction with participants’ feedback and words of appreciation regarding the working method adopted by the Government, as well as with the acknowledgement of the key role of the steering committee, a “valuable and useful tool to identify any critical issues and possible solutions in advance, through discussions and your suggestions”, as Minister Fitto was keen to point out.

“The purpose of these meetings is to focus in more detail on each specific sector through dedicated sessions, and this ongoing dialogue helps to strengthen and improve choices in the context of the partnership, as well as to coordinate all measures on the ground - in addition to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, there are cohesion policies and development and cohesion funds – in order to have an overall vision of the various resources available, in line with the work that the President of the Council of Ministers has set out from the very beginning in agreement with the European Commission” continued the Minister.

During the five working sessions, Minister Fitto highlighted the constructive talks that are ongoing with the European Commission to analyse the milestones and targets linked to the fifth instalment; the results to be achieved by 31 December 2023; and the proposals to amend the NRRP, in relation to the fifth instalment, which were sent to the European Commission on 7 August this year.
The last NRRP steering committee meeting will be held at Palazzo Chigi tomorrow morning with Coldiretti, Confagricoltura, CIA, Unsic and Copagri. Minister Fitto will then await written suggestions from all the organisations that took part, for a summary to help move forward with the Plan