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The Green Room and Antechamber

Palazzo Chigi’s ‘Grand Stairway of Honour’ leads up to the ‘Green Room’ antechamber on the third floor. 

Photographs of all the former Presidents of the Council of Ministers hang from the walls, with the first dating back to 1861 – the year of Italy’s Unification. The dates when their respective governments entered and left office are shown below each photograph.
On one of the walls there is also a list of all those who have held the role of Secretary General of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers over time.

Situated directly above the Council of Ministers meeting room, the ‘Sala Verde’ [‘Green Room’] takes its name from the colour of the damask used for the walls and upholstery.

A grand oval table stands in the centre, and the room is also equipped with a recording system and interpreting booths. These booths are located in a gallery which is accessed via two spiral staircases hidden behind cylinder structures made from wood.

The Green Room is used for Government meetings with trade union organisations and social partners. It was in this very room on 23 July 1993 when Italy’s Government, entrepreneurs and trade unions signed the Ciampi-Giugni Protocol, which formalised the principle of concertation with the social partners.

This room is also used for the preliminary meetings held prior to each Council of Ministers meeting and for meetings of the military crisis unit.