18 Aprile 2024

Il Presidente Meloni al Consiglio europeo straordinario

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, ha partecipato a Bruxelles al Consiglio europeo straordinario. Al termine dei lavori ha tenuto un punto stampa.

18 Aprile 2024

Approvazione graduatoria finale della selezione pubblica riservata a persone con disabilità per tirocini di 6 mesi, per assunzione a tempo pieno ed indeterminato di n. 9 unità da inquadrare nei ruoli non dirigenziali della PCM Categoria BF1

Approvazione della graduatoria finale della procedura di selezione pubblica, per titoli ed esami, riservata a persone con disabilità, ai sensi dell’articolo 11 della legge 12 marzo 1999, n. 68, per l’attivazione di tirocini formativi e di orientamento della durata di 6 mesi, finalizzati all’assunzione a tempo pieno ed indeterminato di n. 9 unità di personale da inquadrare nei ruoli non dirigenziali della Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri con profilo professionale di “addetto ai servizi interni”, Categoria “B”, posizione economica “F1”.

16 Aprile 2024

Jubilee 2025 Coordination Committee meeting

The thirteenth meeting of the Coordination Committee for the Jubilee of 2025 was held at Palazzo Chigi today, chaired by Undersecretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Alfredo Mantovano. Opening the meeting, Undersecretary of State Mantovano invited the Mayor of Rome and Special Commissioner for the Jubilee 2025, Roberto Gualtieri, to provide an update on the progress of works projects and on implementation of the ‘Caput mundi’ plan, underlining the importance of keeping to schedule to meet the targets set by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP).

18 Aprile 2024

Italian Government expresses satisfaction with outcome of European Council discussion on Lebanon

The Italian Government expresses its satisfaction with the outcome of the European Council’s discussion on Lebanon, which was added to the agenda at Italy’s request in order to explore what further initiatives the European Union can put in place to support the stability of this Middle Eastern nation. The EU Heads of State and Government undertook to continue supporting the most vulnerable people in Lebanon, including refugees, internally displaced persons and host communities in need, as well as to provide support to combat human trafficking and smuggling.

18 Aprile 2024

Libano, la soddisfazione del Governo per l’esito della discussione al Consiglio Europeo

Soddisfazione del Governo italiano per l’esito della discussione del Consiglio Europeo sul Libano, tema aggiunto in agenda su impulso italiano per valutare le ulteriori iniziative che l’Unione Europea può mettere in campo a favore della stabilità della nazione mediorientale. I Capi di Stato e di Governo UE si sono infatti impegnati a continuare a sostenere le persone più vulnerabili in Libano, compresi i rifugiati, gli sfollati interni e le comunità ospitanti in difficoltà, nonché a fornire sostegno per combattere la tratta e il traffico di esseri umani.

18 Aprile 2024

President Meloni attends Special European Council meeting

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, attended the Special European Council meeting in Brussels, after which she addressed journalists at a doorstep.

18 Aprile 2024

President Meloni attends Special European Council meeting

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, attended the Special European Council meeting in Brussels, after which she addressed journalists at a doorstep.

18 Aprile 2024

Il Presidente Meloni al Consiglio europeo straordinario

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, partecipa a Bruxelles al Consiglio europeo straordinario. Al termine dei lavori ha tenuto un punto stampa.

17 Aprile 2024

Incontro del Coordinatore nazionale Angelosanto con l’omologa statunitense Lipstadt a Malta 

Il Coordinatore nazionale Cons. Pasquale Angelosanto ha incontrato l’omologa statunitense Amb. Deborah Lipsta, a margine della “Conference on Addressing Anti-Semitism in the OSCE region”, che si è tenuta a Malta l’8 e il 9 aprile scorsi,

English | Italiano

President Meloni’s press statement during her visit to Tunisia

Mercoledì, 17 Aprile 2024

I am happy to be here once again. This is my fourth visit as President of the Council of Ministers of Italy in approximately the last twelve months, confirming the new relationship that, together with President Saied, with whom it was a pleasure to meet today, we have established between two nations that are already historically very good friends, with Italy and Tunisia sharing close ties.

This relationship has also been strengthened through the personal relationship between myself and President Saied and it is a relationship that is also based on a completely new approach, an approach among equals, an approach based on our nations’ mutual interests. 

It is on the basis of this approach that I am here today together with a large delegation from the Italian Government - Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi, Minister of University and Research Anna Maria Bernini, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Edmondo Cirielli - to sign a number of important agreements with Tunisia.

These agreements demonstrate that this bilateral relationship is clearly political in nature, but is also made up of very concrete steps, of building blocks with which to construct our ideas. 

This once again also shows that cooperation with Tunisia is a top priority for Italy from many points of view, and also forms part of the work Italy is doing with its ‘Mattei Plan’, to build cooperation on an equal basis with nations of the African continent, cooperation that is finally beneficial for all.

We have brought this new approach to life and are working on this also at European Union level.

Today we signed three very important agreements: an agreement to directly support Tunisia’s budget in the sector of renewable energy and energy efficiency (energy is one of the areas where cooperation between Italy and Tunisia must continue to be strengthened); a new line of credit for Tunisian small and medium-sized enterprises; a framework agreement for cooperation in the university and higher education sectors.

Thanks also to Italy’s efforts, cooperation with Tunisia has also become a priority for the European Union. I am very proud of the work that also Italy has done, contributing to the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding with the European Union, which President Saied called a historic day in relations between Tunisia and the European Union and which laid the foundations to build the model for cooperation on an equal basis with countries in the wider Mediterranean region that the Italian Government had spent so much energy on and that has now become a paradigm of reference also for the European continent as a whole. 

I am of course very proud of this work, which is producing excellent results on many fronts. Many other agreements will be signed: over the coming weeks, Minister of Defence Guido Crosetto, Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangiuliano and Minister of Education Giuseppe Valditarra will also be here in Tunisia. There is therefore a continuous presence of the Italian Government.

This cooperation is producing many results: I am thinking, for example, of the issue of migration management, in relation to which I wish to once again thank the Tunisian authorities and President Saied for the work we are doing and are trying to do together against human traffickers. 

Clearly, we know that Tunisia cannot become the country of arrival for migrants arriving from the rest of Africa. Cooperation must certainly be strengthened on this; we want to involve international organisations and work on repatriations, but we also want to work above all on regular flows, as indeed we have done with Tunisia through a decree that allows approximately 12,000 Tunisian citizens with training to come to Italy legally. I believe Italy can do much more also on legal migration, but it is fundamental that we work together to continue fighting the ‘slave traders’ of the third millennium, the mafia organisations that think they can exploit the legitimate aspirations of those who want a better life in order to make easy money. 

We share this work with President Saied, we are working on it together, but this work also requires development for African countries, investment and all the work Italy continues to carry out above all with this new approach, which it is promoting also at European level.

I am therefore very pleased about today, I am very pleased about the agreements we have signed and I am very pleased about the upcoming visits by our Ministers that will lead to other agreements. This confirms a very important strategic relationship that is among Italy’s top priorities and sees us comprehensively working together at both bilateral and multilateral level.

[Courtesy translation]
